Citizen Identity

As the fastest growing solution provider in citizen identity, HID Global is challenging the status quo with its collaborative approach to solutions delivery. We are positioned to deliver complex, scalable and future proof government programs, while empowering local government and partners.

HID goID™- A Mobile ID Ecosystem

Powering a more secure, connected world

HID goID™ – More than an identity on the phone

goID delivers many more functions and efficiencies than physical identity documents. Key features include:

  • Remote Provisioning – Using goID, a mobile ID can be provisioned to a smartphone by way of over-the-air-distribution, making it easier to assign or revoke a citizen’s credential in real-time.
  • Offline Verification – With goID, the mobile phone and/or verification device can be offline, enabling a mobile ID to be used even when not connected to the network.
  • Distance Verification – Verification of a citizen’s identity can be made at a safe distance — up to 20 meters (60 feet) away.
  • Customized Design – HID’s goID is completely customizable; governments can adapt the application to match the needs of their particular nation, agency or use case.
  • Data Privacy – Role-based access prevents citizens from sharing all their data during verification, ensuring that their privacy is always protected.

goID™ Applications

Mobile Licenses – From driver’s licenses to gun permits to fishing and hunting licenses, mobile IDs can be tailored to meet unique use case requirements.

Digital IDs – Widespread adoption of secure digital technology has created unprecedented opportunities for the issuance and management of citizen IDs.

Mobile Travel Documents – Governments can securely provision, manage and revoke emergency or temporary travel documents, giving travelers greater convenience and peace of mind.

Mobile Identification

ID Document Issuance

ID Document Issuance

Passport and e-ID Card Solutions

HID Global meets the most demanding requirements for security, quality, and effective program execution in today’s most complex ID programs. We provide an unparalleled range of solutions and industry expertise covering all aspects of the government-to-citizen identification market. From complex ID document issuance and management solutions to electronic inlays and security components, we work with our customers to tailor our offering to suit their specific requirements.

Biometric Capture and Identification Solutions

Positive Identity is Everything

Validate Identity in Any Environment

Solutions for identity management challenges

Whether it is supporting the validity of a democratic election through “one person, one vote,” enabling the roadside rapid identification of a wanted criminal, or ensuring the integrity and security of a national border, HID biometric identity solutions deliver performance and reliability to a broad range of identity management challenges.

Biometric Capture and Identification Solutions

Border Management

Biometrics is the answer to the shortcomings of biographic border management, allowing border officials to rapidly confirm a subject’s true identity — even if it differs from the information they provide. Impostors, dual nationals and twins can all be easily identified by a biometric system. Furthermore, biometric information cannot be easily mis-entered, altered or forged, negating the data quality issues commonly associated with biographic information.