PoliLight® PL500

Universal Forensic Light Source

PoliLight® PL500

The Polilight® PL500 is a state-of-the-art Forensic Light Source that has been under development for more than two years. It’s design is built on the previously highly successful Polilight ® models, however, new microprocessor control, power supply and electro-optical technologies introduced by Rofin Engineers, have resulted in a quantum leap in performance.

The result is a Forensic Light Source which has a far greater output power, which is smaller and lighter, is highly intelligent and is designed for even greater reliability and ease of use.


Input Power: 85-265VAC 50-60Hz

Internal Lamp: 500Watt Xenon arc lamp

UV-Vis Light Guide: Two meter long, 8mm internal diameter liquid light guide with steel re-inforced casing

Maximum Optical Output Power: Total maximum output power at the end of the two meter light guide is approximately 20 watts of optical power.

Front Panel Indicators: Selected band pass filter, filter and power tuning. Error messages and warnings.

Front Panel Buttons: 000, UV, 415, 450, 470, 490, 505, 530, 555, 590, 620, 650, + (tuning up), – (tuning down).

Remote Control:

Hand held four button remote on a three meter cable.
Able to perform all filter selections, filter and power tuning.

Infra-Red Option (option): Now available.

Remote Control: Hand held four button remote on a three meter cable. Able to perform all filter selections, filter and power tuning.

Infra-Red Option (option): Now available.

Remote Computer Control Software (option): Windows 95/98 remote control (via RS232) software provides an application based user interface.

Security Password (option): A security password option is available to lock out unauthorised users.

Automatic Turn Off (standard): If left unattended the PL500 will turn itself off to provide a safer working environment.

Intelligent Light Guides (standard): Automatic recognition of light guides and automatic Polilight configuration. Prevents light guide damage. Also protects users from exposure to high intensity light.

Variable Light Shutter (standard): A new light shuttering system provides full output intensity control. Output intensity can be controlled to very low levels. Use only the amount of light you need.